8 Results for the ‘celecoxib’/exp/dd_td,dd_tp Search
The results for the “topical/transdermal celecoxib” search will appear. As of 1/14/2025, there were 121 results for this search.
- Look at the far right column in your search history. You may have to enlarge your browser window or scroll to see the right column.
Did your search retrieve between 110 and 130 results? If not, you may want to try the EMTREE search again or ask for help.
- Look at the search statement in the middle column of the search history. Based on your selections, Emtree should have constructed the search —
You don’t actually need to know the meaning of the /exp/dd_td,dd_tp , but you might find having a vague idea of the meaning helpful.
exp=explode (searches are exploded to include narrower headings by default)
dd=indicates a “route of administration” search. Think of “drug delivery”