2 Searching EMBASE for Drug-Related Topics Using EMTREE
Originally published in February 2014. Updated January 14, 2025.
It’s possible that you’ve never heard of EMBASE. You may be wondering what it is and why you should consider searching it.
EMBASE is a database that indexes the biomedical literature. It:
- includes records for all articles indexed in MEDLINE
- includes records for additional international journal articles not indexed by MEDLINE
(These records cover 1974 – present in the version of EMBASE licensed by UNMC.)
- includes records for conference abstracts
(Conference abstracts are often the first place new scientific information appears, and conference abstracts are not indexed by MEDLINE.)
- is indexed differently, and often more thoroughly, than MEDLINE
- is NOT freely available.
(You will only be able to use this database if you work or study at an institution that has purchased an EMBASE license.)
Search EMBASE because:
- EMBASE indexes every drug that is mentioned in an article
- EMBASE allows you to search for an unusual route of administration of a specific drug
- EMBASE searches are required by many journals publishing systematic reviews.