11 Great Plains Students
User Account
Problem: A student reports that they’ve registered for the Great Plains IDEA course, but they don’t have a username, can’t login to Canvas, or can login to Canvas but can’t see their course. (GPIDEA GP-IDEA)
Answer: Portions of the process for Great Plains IDEA students are a manual process, where people have to collect information and manually enter it into PeopleSoft. There is a manual process that enters the student into PeopleSoft to create their user account. Until that is done, the student will not have a username (or NUID), and will not be able to login to Canvas. And, until that first step is completed, the second step of actually enrolling them in the course can’t be finished.
More information about the registration process for the Great Plains IDEA courses can be found here: https://unl.box.com/s/r38s5izxxwv4331b8y01bgn33ihexusx
Dropped Students
Problem: Dropped students still show in my class
If there are self-created/named section(s) in your course, the SIS data feed cannot update their enrollment status.
You can view the section(s) students are in enrolled in by viewing the People link in the course.
If they are in a manually created section, the SIS data feed cannot update their status and those students will need to be manually removed from the course.