
9 UNL Academic Video (VidGrid)

UNL Academic Video is provided by VidGrid
This is the video streaming and lecture capture system used by the University of Nebraska. The service is available to instructors and students at UNL. The primary way to access the UNL Academic Video service is via Canvas as the service is for academic courses for credit at the University of Nebraska.
Non-Academic videos should not be stored on the VidGrid service.
Professional closed captioning is currently available only to accommodation requests from the Office of Service for Students with Disabilities. As the semester progresses, we may be able to approve requests for all. We will announce this widely if professional captioning becomes available later.


Getting started with VidGrid

  1. Visit https://go.unl.edu/academicvideo and choose Enterprise Login.
  2. Enter your entire UNL email address and you will be taken to the UNL single sign on page.
  3. Enter your UNL credentials, a VidGrid account will be created for you and you will be taken to your home page. 


If you have further questions please contact the Canvas Team at collaborate@unl.edu .

UNL Academic Video features: 

  • Full service 99% ADA compliant closed captioning completed by real people at VidGrid
  • Edit videos in your library after it has been uploaded
  • Built-in non-destructive video editor
  • Add a “blur” effect in editing mode to hide unwanted areas
  • Replace videos with updated versions without having to change the URL or embed code
  • Resize or remove the video window even as you record
  • Choose the area of the screen you you want to capture
  • Better manage permissions for specific groups

Video captioning service for UNL Campus: 


ITS currently offers a free automated lecture capture service in specially equipped rooms. This service allows an instructor to have their lectures recorded automatically based on the course schedule. Classes will be recorded automatically then routed to the instructor’s VidGrid library. Recordings in the rooms listed below will include a video camera focused on the instructor area, the PC image displayed on the screen and audio from the instructor’s microphone.


You must have a VidGrid account to use the automated lecture capture service. Follow the steps above to acquire an account before requesting a scheduled recording.

Rooms currently equipped with Automated Lecture Capture:

  • ARCH 127
  • AVH 106
  • AVH 115
  • FOOD 42
  • HAH 110
  • HENZ 124
  • JH 110
  • KEIM 262
  • LLS 102
  • LPH 209
  • OTHM 106
  • RH 15
  • TEAC 105



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