29 Group Work on Canvas

Canvas allows you to create a group course site for group members who are manually assigned, automatically assigned, or where students can self select into a group set created by the instructor.  The Canvas group space acts like a mini-course space and gives students the tools that they need to complete assignments and discussions. Only course members, instructors, and TA’s have access to each group’s mini canvas space.

Group Tools:

Home page – Contains a group activity stream letting students know what course activity has taken place since they last logged on. 

Announcements page – Students can send other members of the group announcements. Announcements are also sent to all the students in the group’s associated email.

Pages – Students can create content pages or Wiki style pages for collaboration.

People – Contains a list of group members with email addresses. 

Discussions – Groups have their own discussion board allowing them to discuss content, group plans, etc. privately. Instructors can also assign discussion boards to groups, and students will be directed to the group discussion board. 

Files- Students can upload files to share with other group members.

Conferences – Students in Canvas can use Big Blue Button for webinar type conferences to meet and collaborate on group work. 

Collaborations – Students or teachers can create collaborative documents on Google Docs (not supported by UNMC) and Microsoft 365 (Supported by UNMC and Hippa Compliant).


Teaching Online: Course Design, Delivery, and Teaching Presence Copyright © 2020 by Analisa McMillan. All Rights Reserved.

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