
12 Task/Topic and Procedural Analysis

This section will cover what a task/topic analysis and procedural analysis are and why we should complete one when designing content. The process allows you to break the content into appropriate bite-sized chunks (micro-learning) of learning and ensure you are teaching all they need to know.

As experts, you know your content well and may have perfected your application of the material to fit your needs. This can lead you to inadvertently leave out important content or steps that students, as novices, need. When you complete the analysis, you are reminded of the steps or knowledge required to teach the content.

The other benefit of a task analysis is that you break down the content into content topics and teaching content. This allows you to easily chunk your materials into smaller sections that scaffold the students learning. Last but not least, you can use your analysis to build your presentation content (PPTs, Videos, documents, etc.) and ensure your assessments align with the teaching content.

Read the following:

Procedural Task Analysis http://cehdclass.gmu.edu/ndabbagh/Resources/IDKB/procedural_analysis.htm

Watch the following videos.




Here are some PDF examples of task analysis from previous students





Teaching Online: Course Design, Delivery, and Teaching Presence Copyright © 2020 by Analisa McMillan. All Rights Reserved.